Termite Fumigation Issues

   Have you recently found out that you have a serious termite infestation? Have you just been told that you will have to use gas on them because it is the fastest method of termite control and you do not have any time to lose? If so, poisonous gas probably is the only answer.

However no one would condemn you for being a little concerned about having your house filled with poisonous gas. It does not sound a very healthy environment to have to live, eat and sleep in afterwards, does it? The good news is that there is little cause for concern, especially if you use a reputable firm with a history of using gas on termites.

Vikane is one of the most commonly used gases for the fumigation of termites. It is usually used with a practice called tenting. Tenting means quite literally erecting a tent over the whole structure involved, say your house.

The tent is then sealed as much as possible, the Vikane gas is pumped in and fans are utilized to make sure that it is circulated throughout your house, including your attic and basement. The gas is left to do its deadly work for a day within the sealed up tent and within your house.

On the second day, the tent is taken off and the house is aired using the fans again. Delicate instruments are used to determine the levels of gas in all parts of your home and when the pest controller is convinced that the levels of gas have dropped to where your house is safe for human occupancy, you will be permitted to move back in. That will typically be on the third day.

Vikane does not leave a sticky deposit, so it will not leave a film on your furnishings which you will have to clean off later. When the house has been thoroughly ventilated, all the gas will have disappeared, although there may still be a few innocuous pockets left behind rafters and joists in the attic and basement.

Tenting your house may give you grounds to think that the gas must be dangerous for surrounding wildlife or your neighbours, but this is not the reason for tenting. The tent is erected in order to retain the gas against the outside of the exterior walls of your house as well, so that it is treated from inside and out, although it does help stop wasting gas also.

This tenting method of fumigation with Vikane is a very successful method of eliminating an infestation of termites from a building. In fact, it is so efficient that your contractor should issue you with a warranty, although you may have to have the process repeated every year or two in order to maintain the warranty.

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