Eggs are produced by domesticated bird such as chicken, turkey, duck, goose, guinea fowl, e.t.c. the hen’s egg of average size weight approximately 56g. They are covered with a productive shell which can either be white or brown in colour. The colour is unrelated to food value and quality of egg.

The structure of an Egg

1.     Eggs are spherical in shape with one and pointed and the other blunt.
2.     Immediately beneath the eggs shell inner membrane which separate of the blunt end of the eggs forming what is known as air space.
3.     At the centre is the egg yolk.
4.     Challeza are two cord like structure that held the egg yolk in position.
5.     Viteline membrane is a membrane that covers the egg yolk.
6.     Immediately after the viteline membrane is the thick egg white.
Food Value of  Egg
1.     Protein: The protein of eggs as a whole is of good biological value and is easily digested. Eggs can be used to replace meat, fish and poultry in diet.
2.     Vitamins: Eggs contain vitamin A, D, and the B complex.
3.     Mineral salt: Eggs are rich in minerals like Iron, sulphur, phosphorus and calcium.
4.     Water: Eggs contains a responsible amount of water. Egg York – 51% eggs while 87%.
5.     Fat: Egg yolk contains fat.
Note: Egg does not contain carbohydrates.  
1.     BOILING
4.     FRYING
·        SCOTCH EGGs
·        Egg custard
·        Poached egg
·        Eggs savce
·        Fried egg cakes with cheese sauce
·        E.t.c
1.     As a binding medium e.g. fish, cakes, yam balls e.t.c
2.     As a raising agent in cake baking.
3.     For coating food for frying e.g. fish, yam balls.
4.     For glazing pastry, bread dough, biscuits e.t.c for baking.
5.     Eggs are valuable in the diet especially in that of growing children because they are rich in nourishment and are easily digested.

6.     Eggs are used to increases food value and to improve the flavour of foods to which eggs are added e.g. doughnut, pancake e.t.c

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