Water is the major component of all living things. It is very essential for the existence of plants and animal, it is made up of two (2) elements which is, “hydrogen and oxygen” with the formula “H20” (water) has no energy values. In pure of form it is colourless, odourless and tasteless. It is about two thirds of the body weight.

Function of water
1.     Water as a good solvent serves as the medium for various biochemical reactions in the body.
2.     It serves as the medium for transportation of substances from one part of the body to another.
3.     Aid the digestion of food and absorption of nutrient in the body.
4.     Keep the living of the membrance of the organs moist and hence reduce fiction.
5.     Regulate body temperature.
6.     Assist in the excretion of water production from the body.

7.     Quenches thirst.

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