Career in food and nutrition

Through the study of food and nutrition so many opportunities are opened to the nutrition for example, nutrition can be employed in the teaching profession. The major causes of nutrition is ignorance about the science of mal-nutrition, the only competent person to impact this knowledge are the mal-nutritionist such person can be employed in schools where the subject is though under the umbrella of HOME ECONOMICS in schools of NURSING AND HEALTH TECHNOLOGY and the MEDICAL SCHOOLS.
Nutritionist can also be employed in the hospitals as dicticious: They will be responsible for the nutritional counseling of the patients who need dict therapy.
There are many nutritional diseases that need to be investigated. This is an aspect after referred to as clinical nutrition, and nutritionists can also be employed in such research area, the problem of food shortage cannot be4 solved without attention to adequate good storage and processing these areas comes under food science, food technology, and food engineering. Nutritionists can also be involved in these areas and another area that can be explored by the nutritionist is the food service and management.
Through the training undergone nutritionist can set up catering services and be self employed. This is an area where many nutritionist can be found, the service of nutritionist are also required in the rural areas where they assist in enlightening the people working in this capacity are called community nutrition. They can also be employed as matron in some institution was they will be responsible for the planning of menus, for the student at higher institution. Nutritionist can be involved in food research and development through this they will help in discovery of new methods of utilizing our various food stuff. Thereby broadening the taste of the people, the various career opened to the nutritionist are summarized below.
  • ·        Teaching
  • ·        Health clinic
  • ·        Food science
  • ·        Food technology
  • ·        Diatotics
  • ·        Community nutrition
  • ·        Food resource and development
  • ·        Catering & services
  • ·        Matron
  • ·        Institution

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