Flour mixtures are products produce from flour with the addition of other ingredients. Flour mixtures can be grouped into the following.
  •  Cake
  • Pastry
  • Biscuits
  • Scones
  • Bread
  • Butter

The basic ingredientsin the preparation and serving of flour mixtures are flour, fat, sugar, liquid flavouring and seasoning.
1.     FLOUR:Provide the structure for bake products in pastry or dough by the gluten (protein) in the flour.
2.     Fat or shortening:Fats add flavor to baked product, shorten them and make the products tender light and smooth e.g butter, margarine, cooking oil.
3.     Sugar:Sweetens the mixture improves the texture, develops colour and crispress and acts as food for yeast.
4.     Egg:Are used for leavening colouring shortening, nutritive value and strength.
5.     Liquid:Helps to bind the ingredients gelatinizes solve of the stand and develops the gluten e.g. milk, water, fruit juices.
6.     Flavouring and seasoning:Salt is the most important seasoning used in flour mixture. It helps to develop the flavour of the produce and helps to set the gluten. Other favour  used in  flour mixtures and seeds, nuts fruit juices, honey.

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