The mind is the engine room of thoughts outspoken words and actions. The mind is the womb where every released function is channeled to, and processed thereby giving birth to actions and reaction. Just like the process of conception, thousand of functions is sent but only the pressing and seemed irrelevant and most important outrun all the others. The mind nurses the function (ideas, suggestion, thinking, inspiration etc.)And deliver it in outspoken words, actions and reaction.
Mindset is a fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s response to situation and also interpretation of situation. The mindset is a habitual/characteristic mental attitude that determines a person’s response to happening around him/her.
The mindset is the product of the mind and it is the collection  of thoughts ideas and beliefs that sharpens your thought habit and your thought habit  affects and influence how you think, feel, imagine, react, and since the mindset sharpens and constructs our thought habit out, outward attitude is influenced.  This chained linked factor can be illustrated with the diagram below:

What you feel awakens the thinking engine in you, and as thinking takes it’s due course/place, this picture of the thoughts is portrayed which in other word is the act of imagination and imagination result to the output of every feeling(reaction).
Every other area of the chain is inactive without the mind, and the mind must be carefully nurtured and guilder because as no man is greater than his mind and mindset. And as quoted by great philosophers that greatness and failure starts from the mind. That is every defeat or victory from the mind will definitely manifest so start brooding and nurturing your mind with positivity.

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