Agricultural Equipment – A Proper Method To Maintain Your Equipment And Infrastructure

By Fikri Radiyan  Many people who are just starting to jump into the agriculture business don’t really put much attention on the cleanliness factor of the entire equipment and infrastructure they are using. Most of them only care about the financial situation of their business and seems like to ignore anything else as long asContinue reading “Agricultural Equipment – A Proper Method To Maintain Your Equipment And Infrastructure”

Different Types Of Farms

By Alice M Shown Although farming was quite popular a few decades ago amongst the various cultures, it is not so prevalent in recent times. In Texas cities like Dalhart, it is often seen a number of farms on sale advertised on the internet or the newspaper. If you are planning to buy a farmContinue reading “Different Types Of Farms”

Fishing and Nigeria’s 2020 Goals

By Peter O Osalor  The image is a strikingly ironic symbol of the state of Nigerian fishing in general. The country enjoys more than 850 km of coastline, besides an enviable number of well-stocked rivers, inland lakes, lagoons and creeks. The topography, soil composition and rainfall patterns in this portion of sub-Saharan Africa support anContinue reading “Fishing and Nigeria’s 2020 Goals”

The Role Of Animals In Organic Farming

By Phongphichan Sukhonthanit  Farm animals are an important an integrated part of most organic farms. They make valuable contributions to the productivity and sustainability of organic agricultural systems. In addition to this strong economic bond between humans and animals in organic farming, there also is a moral (and sometimes emotional) bond to animals as sentientContinue reading “The Role Of Animals In Organic Farming”

Mosquitoes & Disease – The Deadliest Creatures?

By Ken Child Most of the time, a mosquito bite is nothing more than a minor irritant that swells up, itches something fierce, then fades and is quickly forgotten. That is, unless that mosquito is carrying a bug of its own. Mosquitoes kill more than a million people across the globe every year through theContinue reading “Mosquitoes & Disease – The Deadliest Creatures?”


Mosquito are group of about 3500 species of small insects that are flies (Wikipedia). Thousands of mosquito species feed on the blood of various host: vertebrates, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and some fish; and some invertebrate, primarily other arthropods. Mosquito life cycle A female can produce up to 500 eggs before she finally dies.Continue reading “THE MOST POISONOUS INSECT”