Using Herbicides For Weed Control

Important buy glyphosate herbicide where ever you are by following this link just click here Weed control is necessary throughout the year, as there is no specific season for growth of weeds. Effective control of weeds does not mean blatant use of strong herbicides. Doing so can have the adverse effect of damaging your lawn to anContinue reading “Using Herbicides For Weed Control”

Eliminating Non-Native Or Exotic Weed Trees Using Herbicides in an Ecologically Safe Way

Important buy glyphosate herbicide where ever you are by following this link just click here In private woodlands, public parks and forests, or virtually any wooded area in this country, we face a problem: weed trees – often non-native or exotic species – that invade and often dominate desirable native species. Weed trees like theseContinue reading “Eliminating Non-Native Or Exotic Weed Trees Using Herbicides in an Ecologically Safe Way”

How Best to Deal With Oxalis

Oxalis, commonly known as Wood Sorrel, is hardly one of the ugliest of weeds. On the contrary, many species are favored perennials in garden beds, with their delicate, clover-like leaves, and attractive blooms. Yet one species of Wood Sorrel, Oxalis pes-caprae, can be in certain circumstances, one of the most annoying and difficult weeds toContinue reading “How Best to Deal With Oxalis”