Pesticides and Their Benefits

Stopping Chinch bugs, Borers, Aphids and Caterpillars While many folks are riding the “going green” path, it’s not a path entirely without pitfalls. The reason why is because it doesn’t always solve damaging and costly pest problems. We have to be smart enough to know the beneficial effects of using pesticides on our food crops, lawns and ornamentals while being informed enough to know how to use them wisely. Pesticides have gotten a bad rap and not entirely without reason. The main reason for the bad rap is the same as the one in the medical field: over use. Just as it was over use of Penicillin by doctors in the U.S., people in general tend to think that “more is better” in the case of chemical pesticides too. So now the pendulum seems to be swinging to the other extreme in our society, and it’s all or nothing – so going 100% green and chemical free is the latest and greatest cure all to stop garden pests. The good news for those who are frustrated or confused is that there are ways to use chemicals responsibly with minimal impact on ourselves and our environment. The fact is Chinch bugs, Borers, Caterpillars and many other pests can and do wreak havoc in our lawn and garden environments. Go Green as we may, without some carefully applied pesticides, those pests can take a big bite out of not just your gardens and foliage, but the agricultural and flower industries as a whole. How about a plate of lettuce with worms or a bouquet of chewed flowers, a kitchen over run by ants and roaches! How about a favorite Live Oak that once shaded your home but now has to be taken down because borers have destroyed it? Don’t get me wrong, I am a big proponent of using organics any time I can but they simply don’t work in every situation. Sometimes chemicals are called for and they are being made safer all the time. The agrochemical industry is coming out with more ecologically safe and friendly pesticides all the time. Therefore the smart solution is to integrate your use of pesticides and organics (they can coexist) and use each in accordance with their recommended dose! You should then be able to use pesticides without guilt if used wisely in this manner. By Monique Swann

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